llabyellov goes outside
acts, workshops, other
- january 26-29 : "cyan" in Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain, Paris (FR)
PS: I didn't win anything :'(
- may 19-21 : "llabyellov" première at Café Müller, Turin, thanks to blucinQue/Nice (IT)
- june 6-7 : "llabyellov" at Nice festival, Chieri (IT)
- june 10 : "llabyellov" at festival Barkacirq, Tarbes (FR)
- june 17 : "llabyellov" at festival Terminal, Udine (IT)
- june 26-29 : workshop organised by Circusnext for hearing impaired teens
- july 8-10 : "llabyellov" at festival Ruggito delle Pulci, Savigliano (IT)
- july 20-21 : "llabyellov" at festival Piazza di Circo, Mondovì (IT)
- september 2 : "llabyellov" at festival Mirabilia, Cuneo (IT)
- september 30 - october 1 : "llabyellov goes outside" at 서울거리예술축제 Seoul Street Arts Festival, Seoul (KR)
- october 11 : 3h workshop in SSAC, Seoul (KR)
- october 13 : "llabyellov goes outside" at MGFF festival, Mungyeong (KR)
- november 17 : "llabyellov" at 7 Collines, Saint-Étienne (FR)
- november 18 : "llabyellov" at théâtre de Cusset, Cusset (FR)
- november 26-27 : "yellow" + "cyan" Ivar Heckscher 80's birthday, Stockholm (SE)
- january : "llabyellov" with Circusnext, Paris (FR) post-poned
- february 9 + 11 : school project with Ecole de Cirque de Lyon, Lyon (FR)
- april 5-7 : "yellow" + "cyan" + workshop at the Dublin Circus Festival (IE)
- april 11 : "ASTRAT" first meeting with Martin Schwietzke
- april 20-28 : "llabyellov goes outside" residency with LE PALC, Châlons-en-Champagne (FR)
- may 8 : "cyan" at festival Zaltimbanq', Luxembourg (LU)
- may 11 : "cyan" at convention Bibasse, Nancy (FR)
- may 12-18 : "llabyellov goes outside" residency with LE PALC , Châlons-en-Champagne (FR)
- may 21-26 : "llabyellov" at Torino Fringe Festival (IT)
- june 2 + 3 : "llabyellov goes outside" at Teatri di Vita, Bologna (IT)
- june 5 : "llabyellov goes outside" at Avize Viti Campus, Avize (FR)
- june 6 : "llabyellov goes outside" at festival Furies, Châlons-en-Champagne (FR)
- june 8 + 9 : "llabyellov goes outside" at Carlow Arts Festival, Carlow (IE)
- june 17-22 : "ASTRAT" first residency, with Circusnext, Paris (FR) POSTPONED
- june 29 : "llabyellov goes outside" at Dominio Pubblico festival, Rome (IT)
- july 13 : "cyan" + workshop at festival Ruggito Delle Pulci, Cuneo (IT)
- august 2 + 3 : "cyan" + workshop European Juggling Convention, Ovar (PT)
- august 10 : "llabyellov goes outside" at festival La Transverse fait son festival, Corbigny (FR)
- august 23-27 : "cyan" at The First International New Acrobatic Theatre Festival, Zhangjiajie (CN)
- september : "llabyellov goes outside" at festival Mirabilia, Cuneo (IT) CANCELED
- 20 september : "llabyellov goes outside" at festival Tentazioni di Settembre, Torino (IT)
- september 23-24 : "llabyellov" at Nice Festival, Moncalieri (IT)
- september 30-october 4 : "ASTRAT" residency, with Circusnext, at La Coopérative De Rue et De Cirque (2r2c), Paris (FR)
- octobre 21-november 8 : "ASTRAT" residency, with Nouveau Grand Tour, at Casa del Circo Contemporaneo, Grugliasco (IT)
- december 1-10 : "ASTRAT" residency, with Nouveau Grand Tour, at Casa del Circo Contemporaneo, Grugliasco (IT)
- january 3, 4, 5, 6 : "yellow" + "cyan" at Café Müller, Torino (IT)
- april 21-25 : "ASTRAT" residency at “Poulailler”, Chemillé en Anjou (FR)
- may 3 : "yellow" + "cyan" at ACDC, italian juggling convention, Celleno (IT)
- may 5-11 : "ASTRAT" residency with Latitude 50, Marchin (BE) CANCELED
- may 17 : "llabyellov goes outside" at Rencontres des Jonglages, Paris (FR) in discussion
- may 30 : "cyan" at Cirque Electrique , Paris (FR)
- june 3-13 : "ASTRAT" residency at Le Château de Monthelon, Montréal (FR)
- september 13 : surprise for the season opening of theater Le Vellein, Villefontaine (FR)
- april, from 1-11 : "ASTRAT" residency at Le Milieu, Ay-roop, Rennes (FR)